Blog Follower "Natalie Johnson's" LORs

Here are the Letters of Recommendations "Natalie" submitted with her application.  She was a civilian select for a 2016 rated board.

Here is the email she sent me:

"The attachment has 3 of my LOR’s, but I submitted four with my application.  I tried to show variety in my LOR’s and chose each one with a specific purpose.
  1. LOR from school, written by my advisor – to show my ability to learn
  2. LOR from nonprofit that I volunteered for, written by the president of the board –  to show my ability to lead and desire to volunteer
  3. LOR from work, written by my boss and direct supervisor (not included in attachment) – to show my work ethic
  4. LOR from a personal friend – for character
When submitting them I ordered them from strongest to weakest.  I asked 3 people from work, 1 professor from college, 2 people from the nonprofit that I volunteered with, and 3 personal friends.  Then I chose the best in each category.  It really helped having extra to choose from.  Some people who I thought would write me awesome letters just weren’t good writers.  I wouldn’t normally recommend using a personal LOR.  I only submitted mine because my friend is serving in the AF in the position that I applied for.  While the other two LOR from personal friends weren’t really usable; it was fun to read them, they enjoyed writing them, and they are real confidence boosters!

When asking for LOR’s I asked in person or over the phone.  Then I emailed the basic requirements that my recruiter gave me:  signed in ink, dates, on official letterhead, 3-5 paragraphs, and no more than one page.  I asked way in advance and put the deadline a few weeks before I needed them."

Here are her LORs:

Here are the links to the rest of "Natalie's" application:
Interview Prep
Application Profile
Personal Statement

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