FY17 Officer Selection Boards -- UPDATES!!

FY17 Officer Selection Boards -- UPDATES!!


17OT01 Non-Rated Officer Selection Board

- Commander Release will be 28 April 2017 - PSDM 17-30 now posted on the myPers Messaging (SECURE) page: https://mypers.af.mil/app/answers/detail/a_id/34175  ONLY COMMANDERS HAVE ACCESS TO THIS MYPERS MESSAGING (SECURE) PAGE

- Public Release will be 2 May 2017, 1400Z (0900L) - PSDM 17-30 WILL BE MOVED TO THE PSDM (PUBLIC RELEASE) PAGE ON 2 MAY, AT 0900L.

17OT02 Rated Officer Selection Board
- Released via PSDM 17-25.

17OT03 Active Duty Applicant Officer Selection Board - 15-19 MAY 2017
AD Applications are now in the process of being QC'd.  Incomplete, Duplicate, and/or Late applications will be rejected and NOT meet the 17OT03 AD Board.  

- Applications which are incomplete, duplicate (see NOTE below), or received after the Cut-Off time/date, will be rejected and returned to you and will not meet the 17OT03 Board. Rejected/Returned Applications can be re-submitted to the NEXT Active Duty Officer Selection Board in July 2017 (17OT05).

17OT04 Civilian Applicant Officer Selection Board - DOES NOT APPLY TO ACTIVE DUTY APPLICANTS

17OT05 Active Duty Applicant Officer Selection Board - 17-21 JULY 2017

17OT06 Civilian Applicant Officer Selection Board - DOES NOT APPLY TO ACTIVE DUTY APPLICANTS

17OT07 Active Duty Applicant Officer Selection Board - 18-22 SEPTEMBER 2017
NOTE:  Applicants can only have one active application with AFRS at any given time. Each applicant can apply for up to three Boards, if eligible. If non-selected after the third Board, the applicant can reapply again after 12 months has transpired from the release date of the last Board. If applicants wish to meet consecutive active duty boards within a FY, they need to list all board numbers in the Profile Header, (Boards 17OT03/17OT05/17OT07). Applications will automatically rollover to the next consecutive boards within a FY, if applicant is still eligible.
Rollover will not occur into a new FY board schedule, applicants will need to resubmit their Application following the most current Line Officer Accessions Total Force Officer Training (TFOT) Program Guide for Active Duty Airmen.

Officer Selection Boards are subject to be cancelled once our accessions targets are meet.

17OT01 Non-Rated Officer Selection Board
- AFSC matching for almost 700 selects is now underway - please be patient.  Anticipated release is now 28 April 2017.  PLEASE DO NOT CALL AFRS TO INQUIRE ABOUT YOUR STATUS!!

17OT01 Non-Rated Officer Selection Board
- AFSC matching for over 1,000 selects is now underway - please be patient.  Anticipated release is now 28 April 2017.

17OT02 Rated Officer Selection Board

- Released via PSDM 17-25.

17OT03 Active Duty Officer Selection Board - AD Applications are now in the process of being QC'd.  Incomplete, Duplicate, and/or Late applications will be rejected and NOT meet the 17OT03 AD Board.   PLEASE DO NOT CALL AFRS TO INQUIRE ABOUT YOUR STATUS!!

- Applications which are incomplete, duplicate (see NOTE below), or received after the Cut-Off time/date, will be rejected and returned to you and will not meet the 17OT03 Board. Rejected/Returned Applications can be re-submitted to the NEXT Active Duty Officer Selection Board in July 2017 (17OT05).

17OT04 Civilian Applicant Officer Selection Board - DOES NOT APPLY TO ACTIVE DUTY APPLICANTS

17OT05 Active Duty Applicant Officer Selection Board - 17-21 JULY 2017

17OT06 Civilian Applicant Officer Selection Board - DOES NOT APPLY TO ACTIVE DUTY APPLICANTS

17OT07 Active Duty Applicant Officer Selection Board - 18-22 SEPTEMBER 2017

17OT03 Active Duty Officer Selection Board - Cut-Off for AD Applications is midnight (Central Time) on 17 April 2017.  
- Applications which are incomplete (missing items), will be rejected and returned for correction(s) and will not meet the 17OT03 Board. Rejected/Returned Applications can be re-submitted to the NEXT Active Duty Officer Selection Board in July 2017 (17OT05).

- Applications received after midnight (Central Time) on the Cut-Off date (17 April 2017) will be rejected and will not meet the 17OT03 Board.  Rejected Applications can be re-submitted to the NEXT Active Duty Officer Selection Board in July 2017 (17OT05).
NOTE:  Applicants can only have one active application with AFRS at any given time. Each applicant can apply for up to three Boards, if eligible. If non-selected after the third Board, the applicant can reapply again after 12 months has transpired from the release date of the last Board. If applicants wish to meet consecutive active duty boards within a FY, they need to list all board numbers in the Profile Header, (Boards 17OT03/17OT05/17OT07). Applications will automatically rollover to the next consecutive boards within a FY, if applicant is still eligible.

Rollover will not occur into a new FY board schedule, applicants will need to resubmit their Application following the most current Line Officer Accessions Total Force Officer Training (TFOT) Program Guide for Active Duty Airmen.

Officer Selection Boards are subject to be cancelled once our accessions targets are meet.
