FY2018 TFOT Schedule (Unofficial)

As far as I know this schedule is still UNOFFICIAL.  They usually post these on the Air Force Portal/TFOT and Holm Center web sites, but they still only have the FY2017 schedule listed.  I'll update this post with official images and class dates when it finally drops, but here it is in the meantime.

NOTE:  These are the TFOT class dates, NOT the TFOT board dates.

Class# Start Date
Grad Date
Training Days
18-01 12-Sep-17 9-Nov-17 42
18-02 19-Sep-17 17-Nov-17 42
18-03 9-Jan-18 9-Mar-18 42
18-04 17-Jan-18 16-Mar-18 42
18-05 28-Mar-18 24-May-18 42
18-06 10-Apr-18 8-Jun-18 42
18-07 19-Jun-18 17-Aug-18 42
18-08 26-Jun-18 24-Aug-18 42

I counted out the business days for each start/grad date and they varied from 42 to 44.  Once I accounted for federal holidays and typical MAJCOM four-day weekends (e.g., Independence Day, Memorial Day, etc.) the number of Training Days (TD's) was 42 for each class.  This is also roughly 8 1/2 weeks.

Source Image From Facebook:

TFIT Removal Letter:

Alternate source links:
TFIT:  http://www.au.af.mil/au/holmcenter/OTS/Students/TFIT.asp
TFOT:  http://www.au.af.mil/au/holmcenter/OTS/Students/TFOT.asp
